Saturday, January 7, 2012

Give Me Faith

This morning the women at First Baptist met together for morning prayer. I was so excited to be a part of this special time as I have longed for time with other women. Having a five month old has been amazing, but there are many times when I have to leave early, come late, or not go at all. But this morning was a blessing because Stephen was going to keep her for the hour I was gone. A great illustration was shared that really spoke to me. Sharon Thorpe shared how she was driving to church this morning and the sunrise was just gorgeous...breathtaking. Although, her view was tainted because her windshield was covered in sap. It hit home to me that so many (daily) times I miss out on the Lord's goodness, beauty, plans because of my own sin. It taints my relationship with my Father. Isaiah 59:2- Your iniquities have separated you from God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that He will not hear.
This brings me to a point of confession: I am unclean, wicked to the core. His word says that He has searched me and knows my thoughts. I do not want to live my life not clearly being able to see...taste...hear what God is doing/saying. May our Christian lives be marked by full surrender to the obedience of Christ. My heart's cry is that of David's: Create in me a CLEAN/PURE heart...renew a steadfast spirit within me..."
"Give me faith to trust what you say
That You are good and Your love is great..."
(Give Me Faith- Elevation Worship)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What's Happening with the Weeks?

A few pictures from our recent tailgate outreach at the Wesleyan Football Game.
Stephen and I are blessed to be involved in helping start a college ministry at our church, First Baptist.

We have some awesome students that are a part of this ministry but when school is in- they are only several that stay in town. You can pray that the Lord will continue to give us creativity in reaching to the following schools: Wesleyan College, Nash Community College, Edgecombe Community College, and Barton College.

This past Saturday we had a great time meeting alot of the athletic teams and families. We gave out quickly of 120 hot dogs, chili, and drinks. A funny story: so I am new to Rocky Mount but one thing I know about Wesleyan is it is formerly a Methodist college. So a lady in a green car pulls up and says "is this where the Methodists are playing?" I know I looked extremely puzzled (not knowing the opposing team was Methodist College) I reply, "Well yes Wesleyans are Methodists"....she laughs out of courtesy and says thank you and drives away. I learned something new today- and Go Wesleyan we really brought it to those Methodists!

Alot has been happening in our life- Stephen is almost through the first semester of his second year at Southeastern Seminary. I am transitioning to a new job, Abstinence Director at the Pregnancy Care Center in Rocky Mount. I feel so blessed to have been a part of Brekenridge Retirement Center and just amazed at how the Lord has truly worked in all of this (this story calls for a blog of its own). We recently got the new love of our life, Portland. Our 55 lb, yellow lab, who is the ultimate lap dog. We have definitly gone through some dissapointments with our outdoor furniture completely chewed and our yard has many wonderful holes. But despite the frustration he brings so much joy! I never knew you could fall in love so quickly with a furry friend. We try to take him a couple times a week to the pond down the street where he loves to fetch for his ball and stick in the water. Just the other day he pulled out of the water a 6 ft piece of wood. He is quite the adventurer. Thats all for now- we will update SOON! Love you all.
Phil. 1:9-11
In HIS Amazing Grace,
Monica & Stephen

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Refreshment through Friendship

This weekend our great friends, Josh and Michelle Wyckoff came to stay the weekend with us. We have not been able to see each other since their wedding in June. It was so sweet to reconnect with them and catch up on life. God has really used Shell in my life to be a great encourager and example of a godly friend. It is so amazing to see how the Lord is using them at Hunting Ridge in their retreat outreach. Stephen and I are overwhelmingly grateful to be able to be with Ben and Christine (soon to be Baxley) in Rocky Mount. They joined us for the weekend which is always a good time. We played alot of cards but our all time favorite is Dutch Blitz, unfortunately Josh and Stephen won. Those crazies every time they would win they ran outside in the snow to do the snow dance. We got SNOW! The first snow we have seen fall in Rocky Mount this winter. Saturday we bundled up to go sledding. Stephen told us about a hill we were going to sled on....we arrive and we actually sledded on a highway overpass (haha-the South). We have a great time piling on the sleds and crashing into the snow piles at the bottom. The mornings were especially sweet with Josh and Shell getting to share what the Lord is doing in our lives and seeing that our desire is to serve Him. My heart was sad to see them go today, but I praise the Lord that He has not called this friendship for a season, but He has called us to be friends and intercessors for one another until He calls us home. Seminary has kicked back up for Stephen...he is reading for New Testament right I thought that I would get back on to blogging. God has been so gracious and good to us. I was reminded of this truth in Psalm 145. Tell of HIS wondrous works, proclaim HIS excellencies, praise HIS name forever. As a new work week starts teach us how to walk in dependence with you, Lord.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here and There

The goodness of God ceases to amaze us. Psalm 107:8-9 say,"Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfied the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."
We testify to that! Stephen had a breakthrough in the downtown community this afternoon as he was prayer walking. The three little girls we have been taking to church- it turns out that one of their grandmothers is the secretary of this group in the downtown who is trying to help get the gangs, drugs, and prostitution out of their community. Stephen and her were able to talk for awhile and she invited us to come to their Saturday meeting they have once a month. They also are going to be throwing a block party in September for the city and need more help. The Lord is so faithful in providing opportunity. It is amazing that little four year old Shykia the Lord would use as a link to a woman who is a great influencer in this community. So much is happening- the Lord is moving by the minute- but the work is great!

I was folding laundry one Friday afternoon when I get a knock at my front door. I open the door to find my parents jump out to surprise me. I was so excited, but when I embraced them is when I broke in tears at just how much I missed them. There is nothing like a sweet embrace with your parents after a long time of separation. They stayed the entire weekend, which was great because there was so much to catch up on. Stephen and dad built horseshoe pits in our backyard. Mom and I cooked dinner and shopped for odds and ends. My parents surprised us with our first grill. It was really sweet being able to worship with them on Sunday and just share what the Lord is teaching each of us.

The next weekend we were on the road to Pennsylvania for LC and Dave's wedding. She looked stunning. The goodbyes to them were bittersweet since we will not see them because they will be teaching in China. It is amazing to watch them walk in faithful obedience to where the Lord has led them. Watching their ceremony was a reminder of what Stephen and I had committed to one another just 7 weeks ago. Wow- what a continual reminder of the grace I need the Lord to show me. We are learning to pick our battles and not to sweat the small stuff.

One of our favorite times of the weekend was getting to be with my little Lucas for his 2nd birthday party on Sunday. Elmo was the theme- cake, decorations, and party hats! Ty-ty is getting so handsome but growing up way to quick. I felt special when he chose me for his kickball team he said, "I choose Aunt Bika (that's what he calls me) with her on our team we will win." Talan is my cute butterball. His facial expressions are hysterical, he will be walking anytime now.

Stephen is loving his riding lawnmower and is out in the backyard with Gaither riding it right now. He is like a little boy with a new toy. He wipes it down every time after he uses it- and his lawnmower gets to be safely placed in the garage instead of our car- go figure!

Thank you for your prayers and look forward to hearing from you. We love you.

Love, Mon and Stephen

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Love Pursuit

Things are winding down as I write at the Weeks house. Stephen is in bed reading and I realized its been awhile since we have written. At church tonight, Stephen was blessed with the opportunity to preach to the youth group. He taught from the passage in Matthew 9:1-13. We have been begun to pray that the Lord would open doors to give Stephen more opportunity to share and He certainly is the next few weeks he has several opportunities. It was so neat to hear my husband pour his heart. I even had my pen out jotting down points he shared. He is definitly filled with the grace and knowledge of the Lord. I am excited to see the Lord continue to develop a shepherds heart in him.

Powerzone camp went well. Stephen and I got to pick up and drop off the three sweetest girls all week long. We met them as we were prayer walking the downtown. All three were part of my cheerleading sessions. Their names are Alexis, 10, Asia, 7, and Shykia, 5. It was neat to see how through us taking these girls to the sports camp it opened up great opportunity to talk with the family. It is a very rough home situation and these girls just melt when you love them. Alexis said to us the last day, "alot of people do things with us and then forget us...please dont forget about us." So tonight, we went back to their house and picked them up for Wednesday night church. It is so our own little family- all piling into banana and we sing songs, laugh, and tell stories.

I just want to share a short story that is teaching me a huge lesson. Last thursday night, the last night of powerzone camp. This was the night that all week the girls had learned the cheers, dance, and stunts and now it was performance time for their parents. Well, Stephen and I pulled up at 5:30 to pick our girls up. Normally, they are sitting on the front porch and are running to our car before we can even get out; but this time there was no one. One man walked out of the house and said that the girls were not home and he thought they went to the park with some friends. Immediately Stephen and I began to get worried because we couldnt believe they would miss this night they have been looking forward too. So we went to go find them. We drove down a couple blocks looking down every alley in hopes of seeing their beaded braided hair. As we pull up to the park, we drive around to where there is water sprinklers. We see Asia climbing up the slide so we run to the fence to yell for her name. We say "Asia", she turns around and here comes Shykia- they are both smiling and waving holding onto the slide. We ask them, arent you guys coming tonight? and they both look at us with huge smiles and say "but this is so much fun" and they run off down the slide. I just break tears running down my face as we walk back to the car. I was a little upset that they were not coming but what really broke me was that this is what we do so many times to Jesus, my Savior. We get so blinded by things that seem so "fun". As I sat there in the car, Stephen looks at me and says, "Mon, what does Christ do to us when we stray from Him?" and in silent agreement we both knew it. Christ continues to pursue us. Wow! What a beautiful picture of His unconditional and steadfast love for you and I. I have alot to be humbled about, but specifically it is that I could even learn to grasp how much Christ loves us and desires to have an intimate relationship with us.

We would definitly love your prayers for these girls as we do feel the Lord has given us the ability and time to pursue after them. We love you guys. Psalm 33.

Love, Monica and Stephen

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Married Mans Perspective

Wow who would have known the glorious fun that becoming a married man contained. Not only do I have the joys of being the spiritual head, protector, and provider, but I have recently discovered that the title of Husband involves being an exterminator, pest control, plumber, yard man and many other fun things. Don't get me wrong, I would not choose to change this one bit. To know that the mice I catch, the wasp I kill, and the midnight walks throughout the house to make sure that creaky noise isn't a burglar, all are ways I can demonstrate my love for my wonderful partner.

Recently my wife has accepted the job as the event coordinator at Breckenridge retirement center. Talk about a proud man I am. My wife has not ceased to amaze me with her many talents. Today I discovered that she knows how to cook egg plant cheddar, Its the poor mans version of eggplant parmisan (???) but you use whatever cheese you already have been using for the past week. It was amazing!
Friday the Lord blew us away with the find of the century as we found a used washer and dryer in Rocky Mount that were in great condition. God was truly good in providing this. As with any good thing the Lord is doing you know that Satan is surely going to make his attack. I don't know if anyone has had experience hooking a dryer up, but let me tell you, It is alot of fun. We first discovered that our electrical plug didn't match the receiver in the wall. No problem, being the electrician I am I drew a picture of our problem and took it to Lowes. I came home and Monica and I switched out the electrical cord. There was one extra wire??? so I attached it to a random screw. Next, you attach the hose, Why the hose is 5 ft long when the desired space b/w the wall and the dryer is 5 inches I will never know. Not a problem my handy pocket knife took care of this. Several, what felt like hours later, we had our dryer hooked up and we had done it all by our selves with of course, no instructions.

Weeks Lawn Mowing Business made a huge breakthrough as it was discovered that you can fit a lawnmower in the back of an Avalon, or at least 3 wheels. thank you dad for letting us use the car. The trunk will close you just have to slam it now.

Lastly tonight was the beginning of Powerzone sports camp. This is a Christian sports camp that our church is doing for the kids in the neighborhood as well as the church. Wow, what an amazing thing to be a part of. To see the smiling faces of many kids that we have been praying for, for the past month or two. Please be praying for this camp as our hopes and prayer is that through the means of basketball, soccer, and cheerleading we might have the opportunity to build relationship with those in the community and most importantly share the Life giving message of Jesus Christ with them. By the grace of God and his goodness in using broken vessels like ourselves, we pray that many will come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

We love yall and look forward to sharing with yall of our latest adventures as well as the great things the Lord has done at the Camp
Love Stephen

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This Nest is Best

Where to begin! Things have seemed so quick since June 5th. We give praise to our Father for His Gospel being proclaimed and truly our desire is that He is the center of every breath and move we make. Our wedding night we were able to spend in our home which was really a sweet time. Everyone was so great...decorating our home, putting food in our frig, and the many gifts and cards. Truly our hearts are still overwhelmed at how gracious everyone was to us. Antigua was a blast! There is nothing like going on vacation with your best friend. There were definitly some hilarious stories such as: big sissy man getting pinched by giant hermit crab, finding bugs in our wrapped soap, cats drinking the alcohol at the finest restaurants, and many days the two of us traveling around Antigua on random buses and taxis trying to find our way.

But honestly, there is nothing better than the day we got to come back to our home. Growing up my mom always read to us, and still does the Dr. Suess book called "This Nest is Best." In the story the momma bird sings a song "I love my house. I love my nest. In all the world this nest is BEST!" Following after my mom, I have found myself singing this song all the time as we are driving to our house from a daily destination. Although, I will say the last week and half has been crazy- not only did our house look like someone just took all of our stuff and threw it everywhere, we had our friend Ratoutille living with us for awhile, our house and shed swarmed with wasp nests, and army of ants that seem to be adding to their number daily. When we asked our landlord about the mice and what we should do- his response was what do you expect your living in the country.

It has been a daily emotional transition for me. I miss my family tremendously, but I have really embraced and become very attached to Stephen through this time. We have no cable, so our nights are spent reading together, playing together, and really just focusing on one another. Stephen started his job at the church last week. We are continuing to pray for the specific direction the Lord would have Stephen to take as his job is to bridge the gap between church and community. I recently just got offered a job at Breckenridge Retirement Center as the Event Director. I am really excited about this position and will be giving my final answer tomorrow as whether I will be taking the position

Thanks for reading our blog! We are excited about keeping family and friends up to date with whats going on. Please know we love you! Great is HIS faithfulness!
Love, Mon